Blackjack 21 Strategy Chart

The Blackjack basic strategy chart is one of the most essential things for any blackjack player. As the strategy recommends only the best decisions from a mathematical point of view, the blackjack strategy chart is the table that contains all the solutions recommended by blackjack basic strategy. This, or any chart for other set of rules, is the most convenient way to consult the strategy each time you play.

The chart below is the one used for 4 decks or more with dealers standing on soft 17, you can see the detailed rules to the right of the chart. These are the most common blackjack rules, though you may find other variations of blackjack online and land blackjack casinos nowadays.

NB: If you are playing a game with other rules you can try our strategy generator that will help you find a strategy chart for any game you choose. You will be able to enter the rules of your game and get a unique chart based upon the game you are playing.

In order to use the chart below you can either print it (you will find the links for print versions below) or invent a system for memorizing it(read the article how to learn blackjack basic strategy). The best way of learning though, is of course by understanding the rules of basic strategy. The left vertical column stands for value of your hand while the top horizontal row represents the dealer’s up card. You will find the correct solution by lining up the column (your hand total) with the row (the dealer’s up card).

The Abbreviations stand for:

A standard basic strategy chart can only provide you with the strategy for one set of rules, such as dealer hits on soft 17, limiting your mastery to just one game. Our Blackjack Basic Strategy Engine allows you to quickly adjust the rules with the click of a button, calculating the optimal strategy for your selected game. The engine’s easy. The simple blackjack strategy chart is the a great tool for blackjack players and is mathematically proven to maximise the player’s chances of walking away a winner. Obviously it doesn’t eliminate the house edge completely, but it can cut it back to a manageable percentage. 21 - Blackjack 'Basic Strategy' Chart In his 1960s book Beat the Dealer, Edward O. Thorp introduced a calculated method for winning at blackjack.Reprinted countless times, Thorp's Blackjack Basic Strategy chart is a useful tool for knowing when to hit, stand, split, or double down. Basic strategy is not enough! We get emails from people all the time talking about how they downloaded our blackjack charts, took them to a casino, and won some money. That’s great news for them, but it could have easily gone the other way. Basic strategy cannot overcome the house edge even if you get lucky with it from time to time.

  • H - Hit
  • S - Stand
  • DD - Double Down
  • P - Split
  • H/P - Split if you can double, otherwise hit
  • H/R - Surrender if allowed, otherwise hit
  • A - Ace

Blackjack Basic Strategy Chart

Blackjack 21 Strategy Chart


Set of rules for the chart:

  • 4+ decks of cards
  • Dealer stands on soft 17
  • Doubling is allowed on any first 2 cards
  • Surrendering allowed
  • Doubling after split allowed

Strategy Chart Generator

The strategy generator is a special generator of strategy charts created by Blackjack Doc to help you get a chart for any game you play. Just input the rules to get the chart.

Choose the print version of blackjack basic strategy chart:

Color blackjack strategy chart:

Black and white strategy chart:

It is a good idea to print the chart and place it close to your PC so you will be able to consult it each time you play. Another way is to buy a credit-card sized blackjack chart. You can take this with you to the game as some casinos allow using basic strategy chart.

You can also print out the blackjack cheat sheet provided at our site as it offers the most essential info on the game of blackjack.

TOP 3 US blackjack casinos

Red Stag Casino

Min. deposit:

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  • 150
  • Accepts US players
  • Proven fair and secure by independent audits
  • Toll-free phone and live chat support in US

FairGo Casino

Min. deposit:


  • 171
  • Table games galore
  • Bitcoin payouts
  • Accepts US players

Ignition Casino

Min. deposit:


Blackjack 21 Strategy Chart Template

  • 28
  • Excellent bonuses
  • Accepts US players
  • Wide selection of games

When playing blackjack there are things you can do to make sure you optimise your chances of walking away from the table a winner. Mainly these optimisation skills are to do with decisions you make under certain circumstance. The blackjack strategy chart is a tool which can guide a player into making the decisions which give you the best odds of tasting success when playing 21.

When Dr. Edward O. Thorp first published Beat the Dealer, online blackjack did not exist so his optimal play strategies weren’t created with the Internet in mind. Lucky for us, players all around the globe who have been connected via the world wide web have created and shared strategy charts that have been tested by computers to ensure optimal play for standard blackjack titles.

Best online blackjack casinos

Blackjack 21 strategy chart printable

How to read the blackjack strategy chart

The most important key when using a blackjack strategy chart is you are reading it correctly as it tells you when to hit, stand, split, double, or surrender and if you mix these actions up and perform them at the wrong time you could lose when you potentially could’ve won.

Good strategy charts for blackjack are colour coded with letters standing for the action with a key to match. For example H stands for hit, S represents stand, P stands for split and so on. These could vary depending on what chart you’re using so read the key carefully.

The dealer’s card is generally along the horizontal axis while the player’s hand is along the vertical axis. There are sections dedicated to hard hands, soft hands, and splits. Each move recommended based on the player’s hand and the dealer’s hand has been created by statistics, but obviously there is still an element of luck.

There are two strategy charts, one for when the dealer hits on a soft 17 and one for when a dealer hits on a hard 17. It is imperative you know which rule variation you are playing when using these charts as there are moves that differ from one another depending on what the dealer does. There are also charts for other variations of blackjack, however these are less common.

If you are playing at a land-based casino where you can’t set the pace of the game, it might be best to memorise key moves instead of the entire chart, to keep it simple in your head. For example, players should hit if you have from five to eight for a hard hand and on 12 to 15 for a soft hand; double on a 10 if the dealer has two to nine with a hard hand and on 18 if the dealer has two to six on a soft hand; and finally never split fives, or 10s. These aren’t specific rules you need to learn, but it is better to take some moves from the chart than none if you can’t memorise them all.

Examples of optimal play in blackjack

While the strategy chart does not guarantee you will win if you choose to do the move it does mean you are playing at your best in terms of statistics. We mentioned above a few rules to possibly remember which are examples of optimal play, however we will give more depth to the following examples.

Hitting with a hard hand

If the dealer has anything from a two to an Ace, players should hit when they have anything from a four to an eight with a hard hand. When a player has a nine they should hit on any card the dealer may have but double down if they have a three to six if possible. These are just some of the possible examples of playing at your optimum when you have a hard hand. Again, the moves vary between the two charts.

Standing with a soft hand

With a soft hand it is recommended to stand for more possible combinations when the dealer hits on a soft 17, and less when the dealer stands on a soft 17. An example of this is when a dealer has a six and the player has a soft 19, with the rules that the dealer has to hit on a soft 17, it is recommended players double down if available. When the dealer stands on a soft 17 it is recommended the player stands. There are a few combinations where this occurs so it is important to know which chart you need.

When to split

As mentioned above it is suggested never to split fives or 10s. Splitting Aces and eights is a prime example of optimal blackjack play. It is also suggested to only split fours when the rule that you can split after doubling is in place but this only applies when the dealer has a four or a five.

Blackjack 21 Strategy Chart

This isn’t all of the examples possible, rather it is just a select few so it is best you view the chart and try it out for yourself.

Can I practice my blackjack strategy for free?

All our recommended online casinos offer a free play mode so players can open up the strategy chart in a tab and try out the moves. Once you are ready to play with real money just change modes, make a deposit and you can get going. The best thing about playing online whether you are in free mode or not is that you can take your time. At land-based casinos and live dealer versions, there is a set pace, and a set amount of time to make bets. When you are first learning to use the strategy chart, it is best to take your time so we believe playing online is the best option.

Real money blackjack websites

When you’re looking for a real money website to play 21 games at it is important to take several factors into consideration. It’s also very important to play at online casinos which are governed in a trusted location like the United Kingdom, Malta or Curacao, which are two of the online licensing bodies with strong reputations.

Blackjack 21 Strategy Chart Sample

Generally casinos we endorse to international players are approved by eCOGRA which is an independent auditing organisation, based out of the UK.

If you visit a casino and there are not many deposit options, you should steer clear of playing there because there are better options available, catering to several currencies and payment methods.