Donkey Poker Define

  1. Define Poker Term Donkey
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Donkey: Poker Term Definition. Strategies for Playing Poker on the Bubble. How to Play Flop Poker. Poker Strategy: Big Blind Math and 16-30 Big Blinds. A derogatory term used to refer to a weak, unskilled player.


from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • noun The domesticated ass (Equus asinus), having long ears and a loud bray.
  • nounSlang An obstinate person.
  • nounSlang A stupid person.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun An ass: a familiar term.
  • noun A stupid or obstinate and wrong-headed fellow.
  • noun In mech., a subsidiary apparatus for carrying a weight or load, or coming into action to steady and support a primary element.
  • noun A driving-frame or truck acting as a tractor on rails, to pull or haul a weight or load.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun An ass; or (less frequently) a mule.
  • noun A stupid or obstinate fellow; an ass.
  • noun a small auxiliary engine not used for propelling, but for pumping water into the boilers, raising heavy weights, and like purposes.
  • noun a steam pump for feeding boilers, extinguishing fire, etc.; -- usually an auxiliary.
  • noun(Bot.) the large round seed of the Mucuna pruriens, a tropical leguminous plant.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun A domesticanimal, Equus africanus asinus, similar to a horse.
  • noun A stubborn person.
  • noun A fool.
  • nounnautical A small auxiliaryengine, also called donkey engine.
  • nounpoker slang A bad poker player.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • noun domestic beast of burden descended from the African wild ass; patient but stubborn
  • noun the symbol of the Democratic Party; introduced in cartoons by Thomas Nast in 1874


Donkey Poker Define

from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition

Define Poker Term Donkey

[Perhaps from the name Duncan or of imitative origin.]


  • You can try it out for yourself: search for the term donkey and give it back as a JavaScript call

  • You're observation that opposing pitchers may make him look like a donkey is a most under-educated comment.

  • Andale's can be fun, make sure the donkey is there ... a bar is always more fun when there's a donkey involved ... * grin* (But yes, the asses are always there ...)

  • Andale's can be fun, make sure the donkey is there ... a bar is always more fun when there's a donkey involved ... * grin* (But yes, the asses are always there ...)

  • It's a pretty little village and you're bound to see folk riding around in donkey-pulled carts, although these are rapidly disappearing, giving way to motos.

  • It's a pretty little village and you're bound to see folk riding around in donkey-pulled carts, although these are rapidly disappearing, giving way to motos.

  • It's a pretty little village and you're bound to see folk riding around in donkey-pulled carts, although these are rapidly disappearing, giving way to motos.

  • It's a pretty little village and you're bound to see folk riding around in donkey-pulled carts, although these are rapidly disappearing, giving way to motos.

  • It's a pretty little village and you're bound to see folk riding around in donkey-pulled carts, although these are rapidly disappearing, giving way to motos.

  • Blue dog dems are nothing more than republicans in donkey's clothing because they know the republican party is no more ...

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The cutoff is the nickname for the player in the seat to the right of the dealer button position in a game of poker. It is the second-best position in a hand of poker. It's also known as the cutoff seat or cutoff position and may be abbreviated as CO.


Origins of the Poker Nickname Cutoff

There are a couple of explanations for why this position is called the cutoff. One is that in a friendly game where the button position is also the dealer, the player to the right of the dealer would cut the cards after the shuffle. This isn't the case when playing in a casino or poker room and there is a dedicated dealer, and the players do not cut the deck after the shuffle.

DonkeyDonkey poker define meaning

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Another theory is that the name stems from the position being a good one to cutoff the three players after him when placing bets after the deal. The player in the cutoff position can raise and intimidate the players in the button, small blind, and big blind positions to fold.

Advantages of the Cutoff Position in Poker

In Texas Hold'em poker, the order of seats is small blind, big blind, under the gun, cutoff, and button, with the dealer, positioned to take action after the button position. If there are more than five players, the others are positioned between the under the gun position and the cutoff position. The button position moves with each hand so that each player will have a new position for each hand.

On the deal, the players are given their two pocket cards and starting with the under the gun position, they have the chance to fold their hand, call, or raise. The cutoff position has the advantage of knowing how the players before him are playing their hands and only three players after him. If the other players have all folded, it's a good position from which to call or raise to intimidate the button, small blind, and big blind into folding so you can steal the blinds. If the cutoff has a strong hand and other players have called, it is a good position for raising.

After the flop, if the cutoff hasn't folded, he is either the last player to play the hand or the second-to-last if the button player hasn't folded. This is a strong position as the player gains knowledge from how the players before him are betting their hands.

The cutoff player is in a better position to play marginally-strong hands than the players in positions that play earlier in the sequence. In this position, you can play a looser game. However, you aren't the only person at the table who understands that, and the other players will expect more aggressive and looser play from the players in the button and cutoff positions. You will have to use good tactics and read whether or not the players in the blind positions are likely to defend them.